Maroon Vibes

Bio - Short
Playing an endless and ever-growing barrage of chart-topping Maroon 5 hits, Maroon Vibes delivers an energetic and engaging Maroon 5 and Adam Levine experience that appeals to the masses. Featuring many of the same elements of a live Maroon 5 show, this tribute act weaves together bits of rock, pop, dance, funk, reggae, and hip-hop to keep you singing and dancing. Featuring top-talent musicians with years of industry experience, and led by a front-man who not only resembles Adam Levine, but hits the falsetto just the same, Maroon Vibes brings you the next best thing to the real artist.
Bio - Full
For several years, while performing in different variety cover bands, our singer Joe Urbano was often told that he reminded people of Adam Levine. Whenever Joe would sing a Maroon 5 song at a show, onlookers always seemed to push for more. Pair that with the undeniable longevity and overall popularity of Maroon 5, and it was clear that Maroon Vibes was a project that would soon take flight.

Today, Maroon Vibes delivers an energetic and engaging Maroon 5 and Adam Levine experience that appeals to the masses. Playing an endless and ever-growing barrage of chart-topping Maroon 5 hits, while featuring many of the same elements of a live Maroon 5 show, this tribute act weaves together bits of rock, pop, dance, funk, reggae, and hip-hop to keep you singing and dancing. Featuring top-talent musicians with years of industry experience, and led by a front-man who not only resembles Adam Levine, but hits the falsetto just the same, Maroon Vibes brings you the next best thing to the real artist.




Maroon Vibes BIO 041018.docx

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Song List

Maroon Vibes Song List 041019.docx

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Tech Rider

Maroon Vibes Technical Rider (Fly-in Shows).docx

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Stage Plot

Maroon Vibes Stage Plot.png

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Hospitality Rider

Maroon Vibes Hospitality Rider (Fly-in Shows).docx

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